Access to Astronomy Class
( Open Classroom-Astro )
Astronomy at the Dalton School is a college level, full
year modern astronomy elective course. In a constructivist format, computers
are extensively used in the course. From the home page
you can see lists of software used, topics covered, image
sources, web sites, etc. You can also see the course
in progress. The task stream and folders containing ongoing, unaltered
student work are published on WWW pages. See Internet Project.
Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
( ATMoB )
ATMoB is one of the nation's oldest and largest astronomy
clubs. Meetings are held monthly at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA and feature a wide range of
guest speakers. A clubhouse and observing site is maintained in
Westford, MA.
Ames Area Amateur Astronomers
( AAAA )
The Ames Area Amateur Astronomers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
educational and scientific organization. Our new 24-inch f/4 primary mirror
will become part of a state-of-the-art robotically controlled observatory to
be completed in 1996.
Ancient Astronomy Resource Center
( A Central Resource for Educators and Student )
A Central Resource for Educators and Students of Ancient Asronomy
and Cosmology.
Contains a complete survey of ancient cultures, including
Asian, North American, and Meso-American Societies. Several
links to other
astronomy related web sites are also included.
An on-line tour
of the Dresden Codex, and other Mayan and
Aztec texts
are provided. Includes several essays from
Pomona College students
on many aspects of ancient cultures.
Armagh Planetarium Homepage
An astronomical resource for educators and Planetarium workers which contains
images obtained through our telescopes and a variety of other
( Information Service )
astro!nfo is a Information Service made by amateur astronomers. There
will published many informations about the amateur scene. Most of
the text is written in German language.
A collection of pointers
to resources related to teaching/learning Astronomy. Includes pointers to
multimedia documents, image catalogs, history, and others.
Astronomical Images Archive
This page is an archive of astronomical images collected from
the Internet and various other sources. Most pictures also include
some information compiled from a variety of sources. For now,
there is access to nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, the solar
system, and miscellaneous categories. Feedback is appreciated.
Astronomical Institute, Wroclaw University
Astronomical Institute of Wroclaw University, Poland
Main fields of interest:
Solar and Space Physics,
Pulsating stars,
Celestial Mechanics
Astronomy Education Resources
( AstroEd )
HPCC K-12 Outreach Project, University of Washington What's New Sites
which have been added to these pages recently. AstroEd Curriculum
materials and on-line courses Popular Astronomy Articles Articles for the
general population written by members of the HPCC group. AstroNews
Newsletters, magazines, hypertext articles, and bulletins. AstroImage Images, animations and
simulations from many sources. AstroHistory Links to history resources related
to astronomy and space science Ask-an-Astronomer You can send a
question about astronomy and receive an answer from a professional
astronomer whose expertise is in the area of your question.
Additional Astronomy Resources Software, on-line telescopes, organizations, planetaria, museums, and
indeces NASA A basic attempt to find materials in this
huge labyrinth on the web
ASTRONOMY on the Web
ASTRONOMY on the Web presents the contents
of the
current issue of ASTRONOMY magazine, previews the next
and highlights current and future sky events. Full text
is available for featured articles, an introduction to the hobby,
and guides to buying telescopes and accessories. It also
links to many astronomical resources on the Web.
Programs that
appeared in ASTRONOMY are also available for
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Each day we feature a new picture of our spectacular
universe. Browse
through our extensive annotated archive. Intended for
all educational
Astroware 1 CD-ROM
Astroware 1: Astronomy Shareware & Freeware (ISBN
1-886376-03-4). This
CD-ROM is the first to be released in
new series of space and astronomy related CD titles.
Astroware 1 is devoted to shareware and freeware files on
the topics of Astronomy, Amateur Telescope Making, CCD imaging
image processing. A wide range of text files
and programs
for DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, and Unix computers
are included on
this ISO-9660 disc.
Austin Astronomical Society
( AAS )
Austin Astronomical Society
(AAS) is a non-profit
organization for anyone
interested in any aspect of
astronomy or the space
A major portion
of AAS activities are public
education outreach
Cardiff Astronomical Society
Cardiff Astronomical Society, UK, News and Homepage
Information on astronomy,
telescopes and exhibitions
Links to other society pages and astronomy
sites in
the UK.
Carter Observatory
Carter Observatory is the National Observatory of
New Zealand.
Comets & Meteor Showers
A www page for observers of comets
and meteor
showers. Includes most of text of 1988 book
Showers: A Descriptive Catalog detailing 120 radiants. Also gives
historical details of current comets, as well as highlights of
current apparition, including ephemerides and movies showing comet motions.
to include finder charts.
Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales
( CONAE, Argentina )
Information on the Centro Regional de Datos Satelitales (CREDAS) and
on Argentina's National Space Plan
Constellations and Their Stars
Contains a page for each of the 88 constellations.
On each page are links to the Messier objects and
named stars which can be found in that constellation.
There is also an ongoing project to add descriptions
of each constellation, including images, history, mythology
and descriptive
Dark Matter Tutorial
This is a tutorial about Dark Matter and cosmology,
by a researcher in the field, with optional
Java experiments.
Degenhardt Amateur User Facility
The Degenhardt Amateur User Facility (DAUF) is located in Murfreesboro,
TN. It is a joint effort from local amateurs to
provide a location for any amateur (or professional) to observe
either for research or for fun anytime. The page is
constantly updated with images and results of its activities. It
also provides links with other web sites of interest.
Digital Archive of Historical Astronomy Pictures
A collection of images from the history of astronomy, for
use in research and
Dpto. Astrofisica. I. Fisica de Cantabria
This is the Home
Page of the Astrophysics Department of the Instituto de Fisica
de Cantabria at Santander, Spain. This is a center supported
by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of
Cantabria. People here works in Extragalactic Astrophysics. These pages contain
their work and interests as well as some miscellaneous information.
Earth & Sky
Earth & Sky is a syndicated radio program heard across
the United States. The show is done by Debbie Byrd
and Joel Block in Austin, Texas. The show is done
every weekday (and the occasional weekend), and deals with various
popular science subjects, ranging from astronomy and earth science to
our environment. Questions from listeners are also addressed. The show
is produced in association with the American Geophyiscal Union of
Washington, D.C.
Eugene Astronomical Society
( EAS on the WWW )
The Eugene Astronomical Society in Eugene, Oregon provides access to
information about Astronomy, telescopes, meeting information, and members. Also available
are links to Web formatted versions of it's newsletter, 'Io'
European Association for Astronomy Education--Hellas
( EAAE-Hellas(Greece )
EAAE-Hellas is the Greek National Branch of the
Association for Astronomy Education.
European Association for Astronomy Education
( EAAE )
The purpose of the EAAE is to improve and promote
scientific astronomical education all over Europe in
schools of all
levels and other institutions involved in the
teaching of astronomy.
European Planetarium Network
( EuroPlaNet )
EuroPlaNet is a Network of European Planetariums.
Finnish amateur astronomy homepage
GalaxyGuide - Constellation of the Month
( CD-ROM for Windows )
We develop and sell GalaxyGuide, An Introduction to the
Constellations. This Windows CD covers 38 constellations in
depth. It
includes a desktop astronomy dictionary and games.
Our home page
features a constellation of the month,
this month Orion.
Photos and discussions of shape, location,
mythology, deep space objects,
individual stars and related
astronomy subjects are offered. Free multimedia
software demo
of GalaxyGuide can be downloaded. We plan to
change the home
page and free offerings frequently.
Grove Creek Observatory, Australia
( GCO )
Grove Creek Observatory in NSW Australia, specializes in CCD imaging
and research. Accomodation available for visiting amateur astronomers. Has Mirror Site in USA.
Hamburg Observatory
Hamilton Amateur Astronomers
The Hamilton Amateur Astronomers
is a group dedicated to the enjoyment of astronomy and
public education.
Hands-On UniverseT
( HOU )
Hands-On Universe is an educational program that enables students to
investigate the Universe while applying tools and concepts from science,
math, and
Hands-On Universe (HOU) has developed
and piloted an
educational program that enables high school students
to request their own observations from
professional observatories. HOU students
download CCD images to their classroom computers and
use HOU's
powerful image processing software to visualize and analyze their data.
HOU also
provides comprehensive curriculum that integrates many of the
topics and skills outlined in the
national goals for science
and math education into open- ended astronomical investigations. Over
next several years HOU will develop activities and tools for
middle school students and
informal education centers as well as
implementing HOU in regional high school networks across
the world,
including Department of Defense Dependent Schools.
High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive
Research Center
The High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, HEASARC, was
created by
NASA in 1990 as a site for X-ray
and Gamma-ray archive research. The motivation for the
to provide a multi-mission archive for the high energy data
from ROSAT,
GRO,BBXRT, ASCA, and XTE missions, that coexists with
the archivial data from past missions
such as Einstein, HEAO
1, HEAO 3, OSO 8, SAS 2 and 3, Uhuru,
and Vela5B. Data from non-US
missions, eg, EXOSAT and Ginga,
also is provided as international agreements allow. The total
volume will be of the order of 1 Terabyte by
1995. These data are available on-line for
immediate access. For
on-line access, telnet to xray@legacy.gsfc.nasa.govand log in as XRAY.
HEASARC is located at the Goddard Space Flight Center and
is a collaboration between
Goddard's Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics,
LHEA, and the NSSDC. The LHEA is
responsible for the
science content of the archive, the NSSDC is responsible for
the data archive
managment. The HEASARC data holding will consist
of data from past, current, and future
Image Processing CD-ROM
huge selection
of files related to the topics of image
file formats and documentation, format conversions, specialized image processing
applications, and source code for algorithms, converters, and complete image
processing systems. The disk also includes a large amount
FITS information, CCD imaging software, and specialized astronomical
image processing
IMSA Astrophysics Home Page
( A high school course in Astrophysics )
This is a one-semester course that embeds technology and the
use of the internet into the daily experience of the
students. Course materials, assessment tools and philosophy, and curriculum documents
are all provided through this site.
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
( ITA )
Information about scientific activities and staff members.
International Space University
( ISU )
The International Space University is an
interdisciplinary, intercultural and international
institution preparing individuals to respond to the
current needs and
the increasing and evolving
demands of the space sector,
multidisciplinary education and research programs.
Journal of the British Astronomical Association
( Journal of the UK's premier amateur astronomy organisation )
Limber Observatory
Limber Observatory is a private observatory and residence in the
Texas Hill Country near San Antonio, specializing in optical polarimetry
of early emission line stars.
Loch Ness Productions: Planetarium resources
The "official" list of planetarium and planetarium-
related Web
sites is here, as well as Loch Ness
resources for planetaria: shows, original artwork slides, space music
CDs and tapes, the LNP Planetarium Compendium (directory of the
world's planetaria), and more.
Manchester Astronomical Society
( MAS )
Founded in 1903 the MAS is one of the oldest
astronomical societies in the UK. The Godlee observatory houses a
Grubb 8" refractor and a 12" reflector, sited on the
roof of UMIST.
MAP Introduction to Cosmology Page
This page aims to introduce a general audience to the
basic concepts of cosmology. It also describes the
Microwave Anisotropy
Probe (MAP) and its scientific goals
Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Space Sciences
The "Association Mediterranenne des Sciences de
l'Environnement et de
l'Espace" or Mediterranean Association of Environmental and
Space Sciences
is a non profit organisation established
late 1990. Since
then the
Association has installed two telescopes,
designed for the observation
of planets and double stars
under the Mosser Dome and
another for deep sky
observing under the Messier Dome. CCDs
observing for amateur
size telescope has been the major interest
of the
members since the beginning. The AMSEE observing facilities
been installed on the French Riviera at 1220 meters
above the sea level on a 7,8 ha piece of
land. Synergies have been developed with the Observatoire de
Cote d'Azur (OCA) and many other bodies.
The projects undertaken by AMSEE
are described
in the server, which includes the finest
images made
with the observatory facilities.
Michigan State's Telescope Initative
Outreach efforts to merge astronomy research and non-science education
Microwave Anisotropy Probe
( MAP )
NASA has selected MAP has one of the next MIDEX
It will map the microwave background fluctuations over
whole sky and provide insights into the formation of
and the basic parameters of cosmology.
Mid-Atlantic Star Party
( MASP )
Mira Public Observatory, Grimbergen, Belgium
( Volkssterrenwacht Mira, Grimbergen, Belgium )
The Mira Public Observatory is located north of Brussels, Belgium.
Its main goal is to introduce people to the wonders
and beauty of the night sky. The homepage also includes
a Virtual Tour of the observatory.
Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies
A Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies is presented as an
tool for high school students. Optical, X-ray,
Far-Infrared and Radio
images are shown for a variety of
nearby galaxies. Text
describing the physical mechanisms
of the different types of radiation,
and their astronomical
sources is supplied.
NAS/NRC Space Studies Board
The SSB is an
advisory board within the National Research Council, which is in
turn the operational arm of the National Academies of Sciences
and Engineering. The SSB operates a number of standing committees
and task groups that perform studies in space science and
policy for the federal government.
NASA Spacelink
NASA Spacelink offers a wide range of materials (computer text
software, and graphics) related to the space program. Its
target audience
is teachers, faculty and students, and the system
is intended to help them
reach the national education goals
as outlined by the President and the
NASA Strategic Plan
for Education. Documents on the system include
science, math, engineering
and technology education lesson plans,
historical information related to the
space program, current status
reports on NASA projects, news releases,
information on NASA educational
programs, NASA educational publications, and other
materials chosen for
their educational value and relevance to the
space program. The system
may be accessed by computer through
direct-dial modem or the Internet.
Materials on the system
are organized and kept current by professional
educators with experience
in computer software applications and
NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Informational, educational, dynamic and interactive.
National Undergraduate Research Observatory
( NURO )
The National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO) at Lowell Observatory and
Northern Arizona University is a 0.8m telescope located on Anderson
Mesa south of Flagstaff, Arizona. NURO is a consortium of
Universities and small colleges to provide a research grade telescope
for undergraduate research and education.
NEMO Stellar Dynamics Toolbox
( NEMO )
NEMO is a Stellar Dynamics Toolbox with many programs to
create, integrate, analyze and visualize N-body (and related) systems. In
addition there are various tools to operate images, tables and
orbits, including FITS files to import/export data to/from other data
reduction packages.
North American Skies
( Sky Happenings for the layman )
North American Skies is the online web version of a
monthly astronomy newsletter started in the late 1980s for television
weather reporters in Denver. It provides information on easy-to-observe objects
and events visible throughout North America (and most of the
world). Each month's issue contains a star chart, calendar, inforamtion
on the planets, plus an article of topical or temporal
interest. Material on North American Skies is available for reprint
if proper credit, including URL, is given.
Northern Lights Planetarium
( Norway )
The Northern Lights Planetarium opened on May 20th 1989, and
it is Norway's first public planetarium, and now Norways first
virtual planetarium
Norwich Astronomical Society
( NAS )
The Norwich Astronomical Society is based at the
Seething Astronomical
Observatory, Norwich, Norfolk, UK.
The observatory houses a 30-inch Newtonian
which is the second largest amateur-built telescope in the
UK. It is also the base of the Federation of
East Anglian
Astronomical Societies Radio Astronomy Section, and
Out of This World star atlas exhibition
An exhibition of rare star maps and atlases from the
History of Science Collection of the Linda Hall Library
Pacific Space Centre
Peoria Astronomical Society
Peoria astronomical Society is an Amateur Astronomy Society Dedicated: To
promote the science of astronomy By fostering astronomical education; by
providing incentives for astronomical observation and research; by assisting communication
among amateur astronomers.
PH308 --- Galaxies, Quasars & Cosmology
This course is a third year undergraduate
option taught
by the Astronomy Group at Southampton
The course is intended to provide a broad introduction
to extragalactic astronomy: it is divided into three main sections,
which cover the properties of normal galaxies, the nature
active galaxies, and our current understanding of cosmology.
purpose of these WorldWide Web pages is
to provide direct
access to some of my notes,
to a number of
the on-line resources used in
preparing the lectures, and to
further material. They are
not a substitute for the lectures
(at least, not
Collection of pointers to
courses, multimedia documents, lesson plans, software, organizations, and other resources
useful in the teaching/learning of Physics.
Prairie Astronomy Club of Lincoln, Nebraska
( PAC )
The Prairie Astronomy Club is a non-profit orginazation dedicated to
education of the public about the science of astronomy, as
well a furthering the science through the activities of the
club members.
Princeton University Astrophysics Graduate Program
Remote Access Astronomy Project
( RAAP )
The Remote Access Astronomy Project
The RAAP is an
educational outreach program that promotes interest in science through providing
astronomy educational resources. These include a series of digital image
processing exercises to teach a variety of physical concepts as
well as access to our computer controlled telescope allowing motivated
students design and carry out their own experiments.
Robinson Lunar & Planetary Observatory
Information, pictures, observations of
amateur observatory plus pages relating to the International Occultation &
Timing Association.
Salford Astronomy Society
( Manchester, UK )
An amateur group which holds weekly lectures/meetings and is developing
this resource with the primary aim of improving communications between
amateur and professional astronomers.
San Antonio Astronomical Association
( SAAA )
Since its founding in 1974, the San Antonio Astronomical Association
of San Antonio,
Texas, has become one of the largest
non-profit amateur astronomical organizations in
the United States. Our 250+
members come from every walk of life, from elementary
students, to retirees, to teachers, to professional astronomers. For nearly
quarter century the SAAA has provided free educational programs
for its members and
the public.
SETI Institute Home Page
( SETI )
The SETI Institute (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) serves as
an institutional home for scientific and educational projects relevant to
the nature, distribution, and prevalence of life in the universe.
The largest research effort is Project Phoenix, the privately-funded continuation
of the Targeted Search portion of NASA's High Resolution Microwave
Survey. Two other projects of interest are the Life in
the Universe (LITU) Curriculum Project and the Flight Opportunities for
Science Teacher EnRichment (FOSTER) Project. LITU develops supplementary science curriculum
material for grades 3 through 9. FOSTER allows science teachers
to experience the excitement of research on NASA's Kuiper Airborne
Observatory (KAO).
SETIQuest®, The Magazine of SETI and Bioastronomy, provides both professional
and amateur astronomers with information concerning SETI (Search for
Intelligence) and bioastronomy. Updates are published on optical
and microwave-
based SETI research, conferences, papers, and activities,
such as Project
Phoenix and SERENDIP (Search for Extraterrestrial
Radio Emissions from Nearby
Developed Intelligent Populations).
Shaukat on Moon Sighting
( Earliest Crescent Moon Sighting )
Earliest visibility of moon across the globe, calculated by the
latest criterion developed by Shaukat
Sky Online
Sky Online, a service of Sky &
Telescope magazine,
is designed for astronomy enthusiasts at all levels
interest. It features excerpts from Sky & Telescope and
CCD Astronomy magazines, tips for backyard skygazers, reviews of telescopes
and accessories, a weekly astronomical news bulletin, calendar of
star parties and amateur conventions, downloadable BASIC programs,
links to
other sites, and more.
The SL9: IMPACT '94 CD-ROM contains a
huge selection
of images and other files related to the
of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. The SL9
CD-ROM contains hundreds of images, motion video sequences, and technical
information related to the July 1994 collision of the
Comet Shoemaker-levy 9 (1993e) and the planet Jupiter.
ISO-9660 disc.
South African Astronomical Societies
Southern Cross Astronomical Society
( SCAS )
The Southern Cross Astronomical Observatory, founded in 1922 in Miami,
Florida, is one of the oldest amateur astronomical societies in
the Western
hemisphere. The renowned astronomer, Dr. Harlow Shapley, visited
the first observatory at the Royal Palm Hotel & Park
near the Miami River. He marveled
at our view of
the constellation Crux, "The Southern Cross," and suggested this name
for the newly formed Observatory.
Strickler Planetarium
Strickler Planetarium, located on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University
in Bourbonnais, Illinois, is dedicated to educating the public in
the Kankakee area about the astronomical wonders of space.
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
( SEDS )
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space was founded
in 1980 at MIT and Princeton and consists of an
international group of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students from
a diverse range of educational backgrounds who are working to
promote space as a whole. SEDS is a chapter based
organization with chapters throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom,
Latin America, and the Middle East. The permanent National Headquarters
for SEDS-USA resides at MIT. Each chapter is fairly independent
and coordinates activities and projects in its own area.
There is also a Gopher server which
contains a Rennes archive mirror plus software.
Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas
( T.A.S. )
With over 300 members, the Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas
is a group of individuals sharing and promoting their common
interest in astronomy. T.A.S. is a member of the Astronomical
League and is home to the nationally known " Constellation
of the Month" series.
The Commonwealth Club of California
The Commonwealth Club sponsors hundreds of speakers each year, many
on scientific and technical topics. For a free copy of
our bulletin, contact Katherine Merriman at (415) 597-6732 or at
cwc@sirius.com. You are welcome to attend the lecture by Andrew
Fraknoi entitled "Exploring the Eerie World of Jupiter: A Preview
of the Galileo Mission" on November 13 at 4:45 pm.
Call or write to RSVP.
The Galileo Project
A web resource on the life and
works of
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).
The High-Energy Astrophysics Learning Center
The High-Energy Astrophysics Learning Center is a
middle school
to college level resource on X-ray and
gamma-ray astronomy.
We provide information on celestial
objects that generate high-energy
radiation, X-ray and
gamma-ray detector technology, and analysis of
astrophysics data. We also provide multidisciplinary
for teachers, including lesson plans, study
guides, Adopt an
Astronomer, and Ask a High-Energy
The Nine Planets
An essay about our
solar system with text, pictures, sounds and an occasional movie.
Each of the planets and major moons in our solar
system is briefly described and illustrated with pictures from NASA
The Sidewalk Astronomers
A non-profit organization dedicated to public service
in Astronomy.
In order to help make it possible for the
people who live
on this planet to see and
understand the Universe in
which we live, we set up
our telescopes in the shopping
malls or on the
sidewalks of the cities so that people may
see the
planets and moons of our own solar system.
The Web Nebulae
The emphasis here is
on aesthetics, not science. While there is a little information
to help you appreciate the images this is not a
tutorial on the astronomy of nebulae. If these images inspire
you to study stellar evolution that's great, but my intent
is primarily to showcase a part of Nature's beauty that
is accessable to us only via the telescope.
Theoretical Nuclear/Particle Physics and Astrophysics Group
( tNPA Uni Basel )
This is Quasar, the server of the theoretical
Nuclear/Particle Physics
and Astrophysics groups at the
Dept. of Physics of the
of Basel, Switzerland.
The server offers information on
people, research topics,
publications, and teaching as well as personal
home pages
and preprints. Research topics in astrophysics include nucleosynthesis,
type I and II supernovae, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear
physics far
from stability, neutrino physics; other research
interests are atomic physics
and chaos. (For a full list,
take a look at
the server)!
Tufts University Astronomy Program
The Astronomy Program at Tufts University includes
resources for
both education and research in the fields of
astrophysics, and physics. Links include
information on our undergraduate
program in Astrophysics as
well as Solar Physics research
into coronal magetic fields
and their relation to noise
storms on the sun.
U.K. Amateur Astronomy
A collection of pages describing all major amateur astronomy
organisations in the UK including the British Astronomical
the Federation of Astronomical Societies and
the Society for
Popular Astronomy, plus all UK astronomy
bulletin boards and
magazines. The information was provided
by the organisations concerned.
There are also pointers to
astronomy index systems and
WWW pages of interest to the
UK Schmidt Telescope
( UKST )
The initial task of the UKST was to construct a
photographic survey of
the entire southern sky. The telescope still
takes some 700 plates a
year - about half for
current surveys and the remainder taken at the
request of
research astronomers around the world. To date the UKST
taken over 17,000 plates, the plates are stored in the
Library at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (ROE) and represent
a huge
source of data for the astronomical community. Some
300 active
research programmes make use of UKST plate material.
Many plates are
copied in the ROE Photolabs and sold
as Sky Atlases or Teaching
Packages. In addition to its
photographic role the UKST also has a
multi-object fibre spectroscopy
system known as FLAIR. e-mail
University of Arizona Alumni Association Astronomy Camp
Astronomy Camp is a unique involvement in science and engineering
offered through the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory and the
Arizona Alumni Association. Available to teenagers and adults, these camps
emphasize `hands-on' experiences. No prior background in astronomy is necessary.
In addition, Astronomy Camp hopes to begin a Family Camp
designed for elementary students and a parent/guardian. The first of
these camps is scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend 1995 on
Mt. Lemmon.
University of California, Riverside - High Energy Astrophysics
( UCR )
Information on current research in High Energy Astrophysics being conducted
at the University of California, Riverside.
University of Florida Astronomy Dept.
University of Melbourne - School of Physics: Astrophysics Group
University of Washington - Department of Astronomy
The Department participates in these major projects: Apache Point
Observatory, Sloan Digital Sky Survey and NASA
High Performance Computing and Communications. The HPCC Project offers the
results of simulations including gas dynamics or just dark matter. Their software exchange contains N-body
codes, tools for particle based codes, the Theoretical
Image Processing System, TIPSY, and Lecture notes for
introductory astronomy courses.
URANIA - Ephemerides
URANIA - Meetings
Astronomical Center Of Alta Val Trebbia / Centro Astronomico dell'Alta
Val Trebbia. Genoa, Italy.
Astronomical Center Of Alta Val Trebbia / Centro Astronomico dell'Alta
Val Trebbia. Genoa, Italy.
Urania Astronomical Organization
Video On Line - Astronomy Page
This page contains four important mirrors located at Video On
Line and a list of magazines, amateur associations and astronomy
Virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars
This page contains MPEG movies and GIFs highlighting the visual
distortion effects an observer would see in the high gravity
environment of a neutron star or black hole (Schwarzschild metric).
It is based on a refereed paper by Robert J.
Nemiroff that appeared in the American Journal of Physics and
is intended for educational use. The hypertext reviews several relevant
aspects of gravitational lensing.
Western Kentucky University - Physics and Astronomy Department
Home page for the astronomy group at Western Kentucky University
the Hardin Planetarium, in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The
department is
a collaborator in CASS: NASA University Research
Center for Automated
Space Science, along with Tennessee State
University and South Carolina
State University. Further links are
provided for the Kentucky NASA EPSCoR
program and the Kentucky
Space Grant Consortium.
WWW-homepage of the Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
The Dutch Meteor Society (DMS) is an
amateur group
of young people interested in all aspects regarding
and related matters. They observe meteors visually, photographically, video
and with all-sky camera's. DMS publishes a bi-monthly magazine called
Radiant. More information on DMS/Radiant can be obtained at:
Betlem, Lederkarper 4, NL-2318 NB Leiden, Phone: +(31)-71-5223817
E-mail: betlem@strw.leiden-univ.nl